Monday, April 06, 2009


Warning: There was no professional camera operator around, so this video may cause motion sickness. Also, the only sound is the wind whistling past the microphone, so you might want to turn the sound down to, say, zero if you're going to watch. It does not have a beginning, a middle, and an end.

I think maybe it's really Spring here. We will surely have some more cold days, but we have had several warm days in a row. Your correspondents rode on bicycle to the seaside town of Jurmala, which cleverly means in Latvian "Seaside." It seemed that all of Latvia was there. While I admit that it was still not warm enough for swimsuits and laying out, there were a lot of people wearing a lot of clothes at the beach. The most striking being the shocking number of Latvian women who are apparently so dedicated to looking good wherever they go that they wore spike heels to walk along the beach. Some of them even managed to walk rather than hobble, sort of. We wish you could see more in the video, but I assure you that the woman appearing at the very beginning on the left of the screen was not at all alone or out of place.

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