Saturday, October 15, 2005


OFOTO is too much of a pain -- as far as I can tell I have to send an email to everyone each time I want to share some pictures. So, I'm migrating over to Flickr. Head on over and check out the latest pictures from Guate, some pics of the fabulous apartment, and the olden days pictures from the big wedding in San Frantastico and our days in Our Nation's Capital:

Yes, I'm bored enough to go look at Matt's pictures.

I also added a link to "Matt's Photos" to the right so you can always have easy access only a click away. You're welcome.


tangerine said...

nice blog. i thought you guys couldn't do blogs. i immediately put a link to your blog from mine. and since you a fellow blogger i'll let you check mine out:


Matt said...

We're not supposed to blog about work. That's why this blog will be exclusively dedicated to the mundane trivia of daily life in Guatemala. And work when I think I can get away with it.