Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Yesterday was Guatemala City's Saint Day holiday. I don't know who the patron saint is. There didn't seem to be much revelry in the streets -- it was a pretty relaxed holiday. The important factor in yesterday's observance is that it was on a Tuesday, which is the one day a week that Sylvia comes by. She didn't come this week. This place is a disaster. I have totally forgotten how to operate a broom, let alone the dishwasher. The kitchen floor has a noticeable level of grime. The laundry is piling up -- I had no choice but to wear my 8th most favorite pair of underwear today, which I had totally forgotten existed after going to a steady seven-day rotation. My world is falling apart around me. Why does everything have to be so difficult? Why does fate mock me so?


Ma & Pa Stokes said...

Don't even want to think about the status of your underwear inventory by the time next Tuesday rolls around!

Dan said...

Dude, tell me about it. We've been living here for three months now, and the maid hasn't even come once yet. The place is a wreck, and we have to do all our own cleaning. I don't even know what we're paying her for...

MLE said...

I bet they ate each other.