Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Hello. Sorry, but I felt it wise to remove this post, which once featured short descriptions of one consular case that was a rewarding experience, and one case where the law was clear but not able to solve everyone's problems. My goal was never to participate in any kind of policy debate here. That toothpaste may be out of the tube already, but I guess it's a better move to take it down than to leave it in its original form for context's sake.


Ma & Pa Stokes said...

Oh my - I was really hoping for another travelogue with pictures. But at very least, your job sounds like it has plenty of challenges, both intellectual, social, spiritual, and zip-your-lip type.

Anonymous said...

I've quoted and linked to this post here: http://www.ilw.com/articles/2009,0129-schwartz.shtm

Thank you.