Monday, October 01, 2012

Where were we? Oh, yes... Harper's Ferry

Normally the Holla winds up on inadvertent hiatus when our day job is kicking our ass too much to focus on blogging. Our day job at the moment is becoming fluent in Portuguese in four months. It's tough, but it's not like the ass-kicking that an actual job can deliver. Really, it's our personal life that's been kicking our ass of late. Which is sort of a nice problem to have, but nonetheless, it's diverting attention away from the Holla. It was also probably fine to not be doing this marginally Foreign-Service-related blog over the last few weeks because I don't really have anything I should be saying in this forum about Libya, but for the last couple weeks, there wasn't really anything else in Foreign Service world.

Anyway! We're back for now, and here is another picture of an olde-timey coffee grinder or something from Harper's Ferry!

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